Monday, December 30, 2019

Legal Status of Refugees Walking to the United States - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 843 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Refugees Essay Did you like this example? People become refugees for several reasons, they fear persecution, they are compelled to leave in result of war, or they are displaced because of natural disasters. According to the Department of Homeland Security, a refugee is someone who flees their home country because they fear persecution based on religion, race, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group (Refugees and Asylees, 2018). Refugees apply for asylum to another country to find a new place to live; the current legislation and policies make it difficult for one to be granted asylum in the United States. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Legal Status of Refugees Walking to the United States" essay for you Create order Furthermore, the United States government should take the current humanitarian crisis in the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador) seriously and act immediately through granting asylum. Asylum seeking policies The Immigration Act of 1980 places a formal process for refugees seeking asylum. The refugees walking through Mexico can apply for asylum affirmatively. When seeking asylum affirmatively, refugees can be at a port of entry (Refugees and Asylees, 2018). Asylees must also apply to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) within one year of their arrival. On the other hand, refugees can apply for asylum defensively under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. Legally, the refugees walking through Mexico can acquire asylum affirmatively. The asylee must complete an I-589 Application, which asks a series of questions like why they are seeking asylum, whether they have faced harm, mistreatment, or threats or fears harm or mistreatment in their country of residency (I-589, Application, n.d., pg. 5). To receive asylum, refugees must receive a favorable grant from an asylum officer when applying affirmatively (Refugee Admissions, 2018). There are three possible solutions for asylum applicants: being denied, local integration, or resettlement in another country. If the refugees story is not credible they are denied and will returned home. Often, stories are perceived as not credible due to the institutional differences between formalized American bureaucracy and informal processes of underdeveloped or developing countries (Recker, S., 2010). So the bureaucrats who must evaluate claims based on strict guidelines and standard operating procedures cannot grant asylum if certain events are not formally documented. Or, immigration officials lack understanding of the wrath of the asylum-seekers problems, leading to massive miscommunications (Recker, S., 2010). According to the United States Department of Justice, on November 8th, 2018 Trump proclaimed an Interim Final Rule issued under section 212(f) or 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (DOJ and DHS Issues New Asylum Rule, 2018). This proclamation declares that people who enter the United States through the southern border with will be rendered ineligible for asylum (DOJ and DHS Issue New Asylum Rule, para. 3, 2018). This means that anyone seeking asylum from southern boarder will not be granted such. If this proclamation sought legislation, it would overhaul the longstanding asylum laws. Nevertheless, under the Refugee Protocol, the United States has assumed a legal obligation to examine the claims of asylum-seekers who reach United States territory without discrimination based on race, nationality, or religion (Legal Obligations, 1991). Why do people from the Northern Triangle asylum to the United States? El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras suffer large refugee outflows due to organized crime (Cantor, D., 2016). The two most prominent gangs in the Northern Triangle were formed mostly by criminal deportees from the United States, who brought the vicious territorial gang culture of California with them. The gangs flourished and grew in result of an absence of a strong state authority, along with a lack of economic opportunities for youth in the fragile post-conflict territories. The number of gang members in the Northern triangle are estimated in the tens of thousands. The gangs achieve social control through killing residents who are perceived as resisting their authority (Cantor, D., 2016). Furthermore, the Northern Triangle holds the highest annual rates of recorded femicides and child/adolescent killings in the world (Cantor, D., 2016). In El Salvador, official statistics suggest that around two-thirds of the many homicides registered in 2015 were committed by gang members. The governments approach in the past decade to subdue the gangs with a firm hand has been unsuccessful. In 2014, approximately 174,000 citizens were displaced, about 7.5% report being displaced twice, and 2.1% report being displaced three times (Cantor, D., 2016). Overall, the epidemic of organized criminal violence, combined with the inability to provide effective response to victims by authorities, has produced a humanitarian crisis that forces high rates of displacement in the Northern Triangle. Conclusion Through the United States legal obligation, the claims of asylum seekers must be considered. Although the President proclaimed that the refugees walking through Mexico will be turned away, that illegal and unethical. The rhetoric of Trumps claims are terribly dangerous for people actual believe him without fact checking, especially considering the seriousness of the issue because peoples lives are at stake. The law clearly states that asylum seekers can seek asylum affirmatively at a port of entry when the ask for asylum. The United States government should further consider the humanitarian crisis that the Northern Triangle is currently in. Overall, the people walking through Mexico are refugees and have a right for their claims to be considered.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Starry Night And The Scream - 1763 Words

The Starry Night and The Scream Vincent Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands on March 30, 1853. He pursued many other things in his life before deciding to become an artist. He was brought up in a religious atmosphere, being the son of a preacher. He was a preacher himself for a while in Borinage, a mining district in Belgium. At one point he wanted to dedicate his life to reaching out to those in poverty. At other points in his life he worked as an art salesman and a bookstore clerk. After being dismissed from preaching in Belgium, he remained there and began to study art. This period, his early Dutch period, was characterized by somber tones and sharp lighting. The most famous painting to come from this period was in 1885 and was called â€Å"The Potato Eaters†. In 1886, he joined his brother Theo in Paris. He was involved in the art world as well, as a manager of Goupil’s gallery. Van Gogh began to study with Cormon and his dark somber palette began to lighten. He st arted using short brush strokes and was leaning more towards the Impressionist style (Vincent Van Gogh Bio). Van Gogh had a dream of establishing an art school and traveled south to Arles to pursue that dream. He wanted his friends to join him, and Gauguin was the only one that did. His relationship with Gaugin did not end well though. It’s not certain exactly what happened, but there were disputes between the two of them and it ended with a portion of Van Gogh’s earlobe being cut off. Around this time, the end ofShow MoreRelatedThe Starry Night722 Words   |  3 PagesThe Starry Night The starry night is painting by Vincent van Goh done in 1889. The painting is inspired by the night view. It is a painting that was done by oil on canvas just as the way traditional paintings are done. However, the starry night was not painted at night as expected. It was done during day using van Goh’s imagination. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Justice to a Society Against Racism Free Essays

Racism is a long time issue which has been existing for more than a century. Cases have been taken to the courts in order to bring justice to the society against racism. â€Å"Separate but equal† is a legislature that was being put into the constitution in 1792. We will write a custom essay sample on Justice to a Society Against Racism or any similar topic only for you Order Now It disrupted the society due to how it(law) was interpreted by the people. Although the American law for equal rights has been written in the constitution since 1792, most people even the authoritative ones(i. e. ; judges) never put it in practice. The cry for equal justice for minority groups is so extensive especially in the south where the KKK(Ku Klux Klans) are more in existence. Some of the legal issues about these outcries are the 1896 ‘Plessy vs. Ferguson† and the 1954 ‘Brown vs. the Board The Plessy vs. Ferguson case was a very crucial argument which argued the ‘separate but equal† issue in the State of Louisiana. Even though Plessy, a 30-year old shoemaker was mix of seven-eighths white and one-eighths black he was still considered â€Å"black† and punished for entering the wrong car by being jailed. When taken the case to the State court, Plessy argued that the 14th Amendment has been violated which states that: â€Å"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive †¦. † But the Louisiana Statute overturned his case stating that the state has its rights to regulate railway companies that operate only in its state and Plessy was found guilty. Plessy was a normal human being who was taken his rights away from him just for the cause of his race. The Louisiana Statute overlooked Plessy†s petition regarding justice against segregation which deteriorates the social equality of the society. The Courts deprived the liberty of the plaintiff†s equal protection of the laws regardless of the 14th Amendment in Constitution. Even when taken to the Supreme Court of the country, they still found Plessy guilty and overturned the case. After 55 years of the case, Thurgoode Marshall a black lawyer from Baltimore, Maryland took the case for a re-affirmation. Following the decision of the Supreme Court regarding the Plessy†s case in 1896, many Negroes from different states decided to fight for equal rights as they all deserved. The Brown vs. Board of Education was one of the most significant cases brought before the courts which formerly cannot legislate social equality. The case turned to be similar to the altercation about the 14th Amendment which so arguably had an impact on the society. The argument was about a colored fifth grader in Topeka, Kansas, Linda Brown who was denied an admission into a white elementary school. The people(black Americans) wanted desegregation and not segregation especially in public schools which did not value their freedoms as citizens of United States. When the case and some other similar cases from other states were taken to the high court in Kansas in 1951 by Thurgood Marshall and his colleagues, the courts indentured it. Until taken to the Supreme Court which the decisions did not come out that easy, the fourteenth amendment was brought into question. For almost two years the case was argued and re-affirmed. Though the Board of Education may have supplied equal physical facilities to both public schools (white and Negroes). It diminishes the equal treatment of the minority groups, an example of this is the textbooks issues which when compared 68 colored students had no books to 20 white students. And also the case that there was no coloured High School in the South. The cases were similar in respects that the minorities had to come out with the complaints of their oppressions. Their(minorities) liberties have been deprived from them under the protection of laws. Although the legal arguments share common cases about segregation, but Plessy†s case was one in which was indentured regardless of whom he poses to be. While Brown†s complaints were out to pursue equality in educational system and to reduce the inferiority complex going through the minds of innocent souls on how they are being treated. Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP crew argued that even though the law has abolished slavery for a guaranteed freedom, they(coloreds) were still segregated from the whites. The end of the segregated years marked the beginning of a new era for equality among all races. Thurgood Marshall and the members of the NAACP fought to their very strength to bring justice in both cases and to see that segregation is purely abolished. These legal arguments were some of the greater social decisions and most ideological significants in the American history that the Supreme Court has ever made. How to cite Justice to a Society Against Racism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Comparison of Automated and Manual Control System free essay sample

Nowadays, with the development of information technology, almost every company has involved in the widely used of computer technology to deal with their daily business transactions. From this point, the control framework has mainly divided into two basic categories: one is manual control which requires an operator to activate or deactivate the control device. Another is automated control which regulates the business activities without much human intervention (Protiviti, 2011). In this section, we discuss the benefits and shortcomings of these two methods and compare them. Automated control The standardized, computerised automated control system is no doubt a good choice in terms of the large companies. It can reduce the risk result from the external and internal influences so that the company can save the unnecessary cost (Protiviti, 2011). One of the examples is Nordic bank, which applies more than 5,000 internal and external controls in its processes that dealing with technology, operation and financial. We will write a custom essay sample on The Comparison of Automated and Manual Control System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The total yearly saving is about 2,905,000 (Dutta, A. amp; Dopp, D. , 2011). However, the limitation of automated control is also obvious. Because of the complexity of the application of this system, companies should take special training for personnel so that people know how to use it. This comprises a relatively high cost for the entity. Manual control The manual control system is most widely used in the small business because of its simplicity and great sense of control that gives to the business owner. This could be illustrated by using the example like grocery which only carries a small amount of business date to process. For simplicity, the owner can easily keep track with daily business transactions by using a manual system and there is no need for the owner to spend time and money to learn the complex software. Furthermore, the manual control system is also likely to give the business owner an impression that every transaction is in control. Instead of using computer to deal with the orders, the owner could manage the process on his own (Carr, J. amp; Cohen, G. ,2008).. However, the disadvantages of manual control can also be obvious. Firstly, it may require massive labour force to maintain. It may needs continuous monitoring to make sure that the inventory is sufficient and every transaction has been correctly recorded. Secondly, human errors are unavoidable as the system relied heavily on the actions of people. As a consequence, additional cost is likely to happen in the proc essing of correcting (Carr, J. amp; Cohen, G. ,2008). Recommendations From the analysis above, it shows that both manual and automated control has advantages and disadvantages but they achieve the same goal. It’s almost impossible to decide which one is prior to the other. It depends on the scale of the business to choose the proper size. Small and medium businesses may prefer manual control due to its limited cost and simplicity. However, large corporations is likely to apply automated control system, which is more efficiency and helpful to minimize mistakes made by operators.