Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Bias for Action free essay sample

But because of lack of reflection and focus, they end up achieving little. 2 Continual, unreflective activity is costly for the individual. Because these managers identify so strongly with their jobs, they tend to get frustrated or hurt more easily when confronted with setbacks, criticism, or mediocre performance. Frenzied managers also act in extremely shortsighted ways. As they do not take time to reflect, they typically deal with immediate problems while neglecting long-term issues. They underestimate the time needed to implement a strategy. They begin activities without analyzing the risks and long-term implications.Motivation and Willpower The authors draw an important distinction between motivation and will power. Motivation might suffice in helping managers sustain organizational routines. But the more important tasks are usually complex and require creativity and innovation. When dealing with ambitious goals, high uncertainty and extreme opposition, managers have to rely on a different force, the power of their will. We will write a custom essay sample on A Bias for Action or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Willpower goes beyond motivation. It enables managers to execute disciplined action, even when they are disinclined to do something, uninspired by the work, or tempted by other opportunities.Willpower gives managers an insatiable need to produce results. They can overcome barriers, deal with setbacks, and persevere to the end. Willful managers resolve to achieve their intention, no matter what. Every manager is capable of engaging willpower. Willpower is neither limited to a certain set of personality traits, nor to a person’s particular work situation. Willpower flourishes when people develop a clear mental picture of their intention, make a conscious choice to pursue that intention, and develop strategies for protecting their intention against distractions, boredom, or frustration.Rather than simply motivate their people, leaders must create a desire for action without encouraging superficiality. Leaders must ignite people’s dreams while preventing them from making hasty promises. Leaders must make commitment more difficult instead of trying to get quick buy-ins. They must force their people to consider conflicts, doubts, anxieties, and ambivalence. They must discuss the difficulties, rather than paint rosy pictures of the necessary tasks. Willful leadership is not easy or intuitive.

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